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5 Soft Skills That Will Dramatically Increase Your Value

Table of Contents

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In a world where a few lines of code can replace an entire workforce, it is important to focus on the soft skills that will allow us not only to survive but thrive in an ever changing world.


The soft skills I will be sharing with you today are evergreen, highly relevant, and guarantee a front-row seat into the future.


It is the secret that allowed me to super-charge my career:

  • I was scouted twice before graduating from college. First I was hired to join the CEO office of a Korean conglomerate and was scouted a second time by an IT giant based in Japan.
  • I built a tight network of high net-worth individuals who frequently reach out to me for advice or to work together on projects and  doubled my salary within a year


These extremely helpful soft skills will super-charge your career.


However, you need to invest considerable time and effort to truly make them yours.


You need to remind yourself of their importance and actively implement what you learned in your day to day life.


Though we’ve never met, I want you to overcome your anxiety of the future and help you become the best version of yourself.


So if some of these concepts are unfamiliar or you need additional help there’s nothing to worry.


I will be here to anwer your questions and help you through any struggle. You are not alone.


If you are willing to put the time and effort to own these soft skills, I will become your best trainer, partner and friend.


Now, enough chit chat.


Let’s start.

1. Make problem solving a habit

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What is problem solving?

The 4 steps of problem solving

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Problem solving is a 4 step process:

  1. Defining the problem
  2. Identifying the cause
  3. Proposing solutions
  4. Implementing the solution


From these 4 steps, the first 2 are the most important.


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This is because proposing solution and implmenting them are pretty straight forward once you know what the problem is.


The really tricky part is to define the problem and finding the root cause.


Also, once you build the skill to break down large problems, you can use the same principle to put back the pieces together and propose a solution.


So it is fair to say that problem solving is mostly about understanding the problem and finding the root cause based on the 80/20 rule.


What is the 80/20 rule?

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The 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, implies that 80% of the output (result) happens because of 20% of the input (causes).


Simply put, there are only a causes that bring an outcome.


This can be seen everywhere.


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You get the picture.


What’s interesting is that the 80/20 rule can be applied to problem solving.


80% of the problem, whether it is a marriage issue or revenue taking a hit, can usually be traced to 20% of the causes.


Therefore, to solve a problem, rather than looking at all the causes, you must focus on discovering the 20% of causes that make the most trouble.


Problem solving is all about people


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The goal behind problem solving should never be limited to solving the problem itself.


I see that you are confused.


What then can problem solving be about if not the problem?


Problem solving is about solving the problem that a particular individual or organization is going through.


What this means is that the problem does not exist in a vacuum and exists only because people see it as a problem.


If there is no person, group or organization suffering from the problem, the problem essentialy would not exist!


For example, a marriage problem causes distress to both the husband and wife.


Based on the same logic, a drop in revenue for a certain company causes panic to the CEO, sales team, marketing team… basically everybody who has a stake in the company.


Problem solving, therefore, is a very human thing.


So the key to good problem solving is to focus on bringing ease of mind to the people undergoing severe stress caused by the problem.


This human-centric approach is important for two reasons:


1. Focus on the real problem


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The problem that we as bystanders see as the root problem and actual root problem causing the greatest pain for those suffering from it can be very different.


Seeing the problem through the lenses of people will help you find what the real problem is faster and make your impact greater.


2. Immutable skill


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The human aspect of problem solving will make it impossible for robots to be good at problem solving.


People are emotional creatures and are not always predictable.


What triggers one person could soothe another. We are very complex in that way.


This human fickleness cannot be captured by code and it is the reason why this problem solving will forever remain relevant.


In a nutshell


Probem solving is about breaking down large problems into smaller problems, discovering the 80/20, solving it, and later adding back the parts to make a well-weaved and compelling story.


I explain this in great depth in my ultimate guide to problem solving. If you would like to get better at this skill today, I’ve made it easier for you here.


How can I make problem solving a habit?


There is no other way than to practice, practice and practice a bit more.


Reading how to be good at problem solving won’t get you far unless you take time to sit down and try solving multiple problems yourself.


Staying committed to becoming better at problem solving is the most important factor that will determine how good you will be.


If you need one on one practice on problem solving or need help solving some immediate problem, I am here to help so feel free to reach out any time.


There are largely two ways you can practice by yourself:


Give yourself problems to solve


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One is by giving yourself hypothetical problems and working your way back to discover what the root problem is.


This can be easily done by looking up news articles.


Let’s say you discover an article that says: ‘Korea may have to import surgeons in the future’

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Now before you go and click the link here to discover why this may be, think about it yourself for a moment.


The first question that should go through your question is ‘why’.


Why does Korea have to import surgeons?


Korea is one of the leading OECD countries with a GDP per capita of over 30,000 USD. It has a world class healthcare system and has the educational facilities to train surgeons within its borders.


Knowing all this, why would Korea have to import surgeons from abroad?


Next step would be to break down the larger question into smaller parts to identify the 80/20 that causes Korea to import surgeons.


If you are curious on how to get to the core problem quickly and in a structured way, I would highly recommend that you check out the ultimate guide to solve any problem and the basics on guesstimation which will super-charge your problem solving skills.


Asking yourself questions such as these on a regular basis is the key to become better at problem solving.


Problem solving is a demanding activity that needs 100% of your attention, atleast until you become really good at it.


So set some time everyday to solve problems by yourself.


Solve other people’s problem


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Once you get the hang of solving problems by yourself, next step would be to take a leap of faith and engage with other people’s problem.


Most people are problem-ridden.


We all try to keep a smile on our faces but peel one layer off and you will discover that there is something that concerns us.


Reach out to those people, spend time understanding their problems, and try solving them.


Don’t expect anything in return and think of it like self-training.


What will be the outcome?


Become a problem solving machine

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You will feel comfortable tackling any kind of problem – not problems limited to a specific domain or industry.


This is because all problems, regardless of its size or specificity, share a similar structure.


It will take some time for you to get used to all the different kinds, but once you master the skill, you will be able to break down any problems and provide a meaningful solution.


That is what makes problem solving great.


You learn one skill that can be applied to hundreds upon thousands of issues, and the more you practice, the better you will become at it.


Provide high-impact solutions


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You will be really good at breaking down large problems and finding root cause, which will enable you to come up with a practical high-impact solution.


As mentioned previously, the key to problem solving is having a good grasp on what the real problem is.


So while others jump to a conclusion and suggest solutions that barely scratch the problem’s surface, you will be able to provide a comprehensive solution that addresses the real pain point.


Save time


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The better you become at problem solving, the quicker you will understand, analyze, and solve the problem.


Problem solving will provide you with logical and structured thinking which will help you stay organized and always focused on developing feasible and high-impact solutions.


It is like having the power of google maps in your hand versus having a map and compass.


You will get to where you have to go much quicker and save a bunch of time.


Wiz through Excel and Powerpoint

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Also, problem solving will serve as the backbone for powerful excel models and convincing powerpoint.


It is much easier to master both Excel and Powerpoint if you have a strong understanding of problem solving.


Increase your market value

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Problem solving is a skill in high demand that will remain relevant even in the age of automation.


This is because problem solving at it’s very core is essentially a human activity.


All problems are associated with the emotions and feelings of those suffereing from them, and understanding what would trigger or alleviate those feelings can only be done by you – a human.


Given that problem solving is an unreplaceable skill and in short demand, your market value will go up and will be able to join bigger companies at higher positions.


Build a powerful network


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But most importantly, the more you reach out to people and help others with their problem, you will build a reputation of being a benevolent problem.


By helping somebody with their problem, you will gain their trust, and this trust will go a long way.


In fact selfless problem solving is what got Sam Altman, the former CEO of Y-Combinator, juicy investment deals that landed him millions of dollars.


I wrote more on this in this article.


2. Be humble at all times

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What does it mean to be humble?


Being humble is to be aware that you might not always be true; therefore, showing interet in what others have to say.


This does not mean ignorance, and it definitely does not mean accepting everything others tell you.


So the flipside of humble is being knowledgeable.


Because you need to know what you know in order to think that what you know may not be true.


Wow… that sounded like a lot of gibberish…


But let me try explaining with an example – a relevant and extreme one at that.


Example: Black Lives Matter

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You might be a person heavily invested in the Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) and think this movement should be accepted by all.


However, even though you are married to this idea and have the rationale and evidence to support it, you must constantly question your own belief.


This might sound extremely controversial, but I am saying this just to make a point.


If for some reason you encounter somebody who is against BLM, rather than feeling bad and reacting aggressively, be humble and try to understand the other person’s version of the truth.


Try to ask yourself the following question:


What is it that the other person is seeing that I am not?


It takes a great deal of humbleness to think this way and requires you to throw away your pride.


However, asking yourself this question does not make you less human or unstable.


If anything, it will make you and your argument stronger.


If you listen to the other person’s argument, you might discover flaws in their logic which can be countered with yours. As a result, you could convert an anti-BLM protestor to a pro-BLM friend.


On the other hand, if the other person says something that makes sense, you might have to reassess your own thoughts. Or, you could do some additional research and find an alternative interpretation to what the other person said which is still consistent with your logic. This can be your position even stronger.


Or, you could agree to disagree. There’s nothing wrong with that.


All in all, being humble is to be skeptical of your own belief, listening to others who might not share your perspective, being able and willing to change your mind based on facts and logic rather than emotion and group-think.


It is an amazing skill to have which makes it ever the more valuable.


Example : Sam Walton


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The best example is the story of Sam Walton, former CEO of Walmart, getting locked up behind bars in Brazil during a family trip.


One day Ms. Walton got a call from her hotel saying that her husband was in prison for acting ‘crazy’.


Surprised, Ms. Walton went rushing to the prison where her husband was held captive.


She couldn’t believe what the police told her.


Apparently, Sam was found on all fours at a Brazilian super market measuring the width of the aisles! The authorities could not understand what he was doing so they detained him.


When she asked him what the hell he was doing on all four, Sam replied he was simply trying to see if there was something the Brazilians knew that he didn’t.


Sam risked looking crazy and spending time in prison to learn this ONE thing.


Have in mind, Sam is an extremely wealthy and well-reputed man who has more money in the bank than he can count.


What brought him to his knees to measure the aisles at the risk of looking crazy was not wealth. It was his humbleness and his burning desire to know.


How do I become humble?


It begins with answering one question


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Before we get into how to become humble, it is important to understand why it is so terribly difficult to BE humble.


Most people resort to the problem of pride and self-esteem. It makes sense.


Our thoughts and ideas are like a part of us, and just as we don’t like somebody poking fun at how we look, we don’t enjoy others making judgement about the way we think.


But we can go a layer deeper.


This is best summarized in a podcast by Pete Holmes, the author of “Comedy, Sex, God”.



In it Pete describes that the reason we hold on to stereotypes, opinions about particular issues, and ideas about ourselves and others is because we are afraid to accept our vulnerability.


This vulnerability goes beyond the idea of pride and spreads into the realm of our purpose and existence.


If you think about it us humans are nothing more than a blimp in the universe.


Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is 13 billion years old.


Our entire life from birth to death does not exceed 100 years which is a minuscle fraction of the existence of the universe. We are a dot on the face of earth and smaller than a spec of dust in the universe.


Our existence is so very puny…


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This is scary and unsettling.


According to Pete, this is why we stick to certain belief about ourself and the world.


This is why it is so difficult to be humble.


Because giving meaning and interpretation to our present reality keeps us sane from thinking that we are nothing more than a spec of dust in the context of the universe.


Being humble would mean us exposing ourselves to the possibility of giving away the ropes that tie us down to our idea of reality.


Is this a gloomy view?




Nevertheless, it is liberating.


Knowing that our existince is shy of nothing gives us the freedom to be more detached from the things that we consider unchangeable in our lives.


We will explore a little more on this “what will be the outcome?” section.


Practical advice


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The best way is to actively engage with others who have a different belief and trying to understand them.


You need to be comfortable with different thoughts and opinions, and the best way to build this tolerance is by exposing yourself to such environments.


The more different and radical their views are from yours, the better.


This is easier said than done and that is why people are not usually very good at being humble.


A practical tip next time you encounter a person with a different view from yours is to repeat what the other person said to make sure you understood her correctly.


Rather than bombarding the other person on why she is wrong, take the time to truly understand the emotion, logic and thought behind the person’s point of view.


Try to understand as if you were their mother, father, or friend, and be truly interested in what they have to say.


This is a great way to appear humble.


Listening. Real listening will open even the most stubborn of hearts and work wonders.


What will be the outcome?


Build your freedom


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In the big picture (our universe), our thoughts become so small that you realize there is no point to lock ourselves up with a particular view or stereotype.


You discover that ideas and beliefs are not a part of you.


They don’t necessarily define you since you can change it at any time.


You begin to learn to dance with ambiguity – the enormity of the universe – and accept it.


Point is, like the movie Green Book, you don’t have to go through a life changing road trip to realize that hanging out with a black person can be very pleasant.


You know this with or without such experience so let’s not fool ourselves that certain people are such-and-such or behave a certain way. We are all unique in our own ways.


This realization will bring you an immense sense of liberation.


Rather than binding yourself to an idea, you can be free to explore what is out there and settle on the story that best suits your logic and purpose.


It will also allow you to understand that just as you choose your version of the story, other people will choose their own version of the truth.


Though there are some thoughts worth fighting for, this new mentality will allow you to approach conflictive situation with calm and curiosity rather than aggression.


Have fun being curious and constantly learning


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When a truly humble person comes across a person or a situation they are not used it, rather than shying away, they engage with it.


The world becomes your playground and you are constantly on the get go to explore things that you might have not known.


You know that things change and accept it with a smile.


You are not embarassed to review your former beliefs – you are happy for being one step away from ignorance.


This is not only good for yourself in developing your knowledge but will also act as a magnet to bring in different kinds of people.


Become likeable and influence people


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Being on the look out for knowledge to cure my ignorance means that I speak less and listen more.


And listening is the key to making friends and influencing others.


If there is one thing about us humans that has not changed for thousands of years, it is that we are self-centered and love to talk about ourselves.


No surprise that our name is the most beautiful sound in any language.


This idea has been most eloquently presented in Dale Carnegie’s book “How To Win Friends and Influence People”.


In it, he presents real life examples when whole-hearted listening and taking interest in what the other person has to say brought tremendous returns.


From landing a huge sales deal to recovering the relationship with a loved person, listening can achieve miracles.


Listen, and you will be heard.


3. Build the habit of never giving up – Grit

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What is grit?


Grit is resilience and is achieved when you put consistent effort into something over a long period of time.


Usually the effort is demanding and requires your undivided attention.


The time you dedicate to the activity varies but usually is long. It may be month, years or decades.


Grit, therefore, is a marathon not a sprint, and being good at marathon will ultimately determine your success.


This idea is well explained in Angela Duckworth’s book “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perserverance”.


You can see her TED talk covering the topic here.



Without effort, your talent is nothing more than your unmet potential.


Grit means:

  • being resilient to external influence and being internally drive, owning your destiny, and refusing to be a slave to circumstances.
  • setting your mind to a specific goal, building a roadmap to get there, and relentless pushing forward until your goal is met.
  • biting your lips and double down even when things are hard, and having the courage to readjust your path when necessary.


How do I build grit?


You develop grit by finding purpose in what you are doing.


Purpose is the key drive and motivator that pushes us forward inspite of headwinds.


You can find purpose in all activities, even those you may not really enjoy but have to do anyways.


Let’s see how that is possible.


There is always something to learn

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You cannot demonstrate grit unless you believe what you are doing is worth it.


Truth is, however, we are surrounded by responsibilities that we can’t run away from.


Being gritty to work through those activities might not seem to be worth it at all.


For example, do we really need to push ourselves and be gritty for our 9 to 5 job?


My answer to that is simple:


If there is something to learn, it is always worth it.


Good news is that ‘learning’ can be found almost everywhere – even for trivial activities. So be generous with learning.


Let me share with you a personal example.


I started my career in the CEO office of a large Korean conglomerate.


I was psyched and really excited since I would be making real money even though I was a college student at the time and CEO office? sounds cool!


Little did I know, being there meant a lot of tedious, boring, and repetitive work.


It was a job that did not get appreciated when I did well but received hell when I missed something. Even a small detaill.


The CEO was a very sensitive and explosive man. He needed things to be perfect.


Being a sloppy guy myself, I could not understand the obsession he had with certain things.


Looking back, there was no practical work skill that I gained. I wasn’t better at analyzing companies, data crunching, or making market research.


It sucked because I thought I was more capable than this.


Rather than complaining, however, I thought of the experience as a bootcamp to become better at some skills I lacked: being detail-oriented, being flexible, and improving my written communication.


I set a goal that I would improve on all three fronts and that I would endure anything and everything until I felt confident that I achieved my goal.


It took me a little over a year but at the end of it successfully learned exactly what I wanted.


Working there wasn’t pleasant; however, I was able to overcome all the frustration and hardships because I gave myself purpose.


Lead your own path


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Though I would say it is not very common, you might not find learn in your current major, function or company.


If this is true, it is time to move on. You always have the power to change things.


What you need to do then is to set a new purpose and move out of your comfort zone.


That takes grit.


A year into the job at the CEO office, I realized that I was making less mistakes, was more adept at managing change, and better at communicating and engaging with others.


So I gave myself a new goal to quit my job and look for another career path that would provide me with new learning opportunities.


I did this at the great disapointment of my parents who were exuberant that I had a cushy job at a large company.


To make matters worse, I was still a university student and the job market in Korea was terribly tough.


Though I was aware of the many forces that worked against me, I built a game plan and executed.


I did not go out for drinks, gave up partying, and spent my after-work hours solely on studying to make the transition into consultancy which was a field I was interested at the time.


It was grueling work.


I remember hating my life and the instability it caused. I had nightmares of failing all the interviews.


In the end, however, I made it.


I landed an internship at Boston Consulting Group and later joined full-time at Arthur D. Little.


I was really lucky and sometimes I ask myself what would have happened if I did not make the jump. Perhaps I would have crashed and burned. It’s a scary thought.


Regardless, I would say that it is a hundred times better to take the leap of faith and find new purpose in your life than doing something that makes you brain dead.


Even though you fail, you would be alive and eventually build the strength to pursue other purposes.




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Next time you feel stuck with a responsibility, ask yourself: is there something to learn from this experience?


If the answer is ‘yes’ (and be generous with that ‘yes’), then double-down and show grit until you master it.


Make sure what motivates you to stick to it is not because you feel responsible for it but to max out your experience and learn.


Don’t become a slave. Own it.


Once you mastered what you set out to learn, find a new purpose, make a game plan and dobuble-down again to successfuly make the transition.


Never be complacent and always go where there is something to gain.


You can never go wrong with going somewhere else with new experience and new learning opportunities


What will be the outcome?


Own your destiny and find your purpose


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Don’t let circumstances rule over you and be the owner of your own life.


Instead of having to force yourself to do something, you can own it by giving it purpose.


Having a purpose will provide you the drive and grit to live through the experience and become stronger than ever before.


You will also build tolerance and consistency into your life which will result in a balanced and stable life. No matter how hard the wind blows outside, you will find peace at heart.


Build your skills – become an expert


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Also, grit will help you become better at whatever it is you do.


You can later use this same skill to transition to a better career or find better opportunities in life.


Finding purpose through grit can make your life more meaningful so that you are excited to live it everyday.


4. Stick to the SDC rule

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What is the SDC rule?


SDC stands for ‘Speed, Design, Content’ and is the guideline you should follow when delivering any kind of work.


SDC rule dictates that the most important factor for good work is speed, followed by design and then content.


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This might have you scratch your head.


Why is content the very least important out of all three?


This is because I am assuming that your performance is above average. So no-matter how fast you churn out a result, the outcome will be informative and persuasive enough to get the job done.


If you are having trouble with breaking down a task and getting it done quickly, read on below on how to follow SDC rule.


How do I follow SDC rule?


The idea is quite simple but implementation can be a bit tough.

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  1. You get the task from your boss or supervisor
  2. Get the job done as quickly as possible
  3. Toss the draft-result back to him and make sure you (1) are in lines with his expectation and (2) inform him your next step on how you will add or modify for your next report.


A note of warning, however, is that you shouldn’t be calling out your boss just for the sake of calling out.


If your boss made it extremely clear what he expects from you or is an extremely busy guy, the last thing you want to do is bug him with minor adjustments you made to your deliverable.


The skill to discern what the other person expects is called ‘sensing’ and we will cover this in soft skill you must develop.


However, in most cases, it is good for you to align with your boss or supervisor on a regular basis.


SDC = hot potato

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To help you remember the SDC rule, think of the task you have as a hot potato.


You want to toss it back to your boss as soon as possible because holding onto it will burn you.


Then, while your boss if reviewing your deliverable, you move on to prepare for the next report, and so on and so forth until the task is 100% complete and to the satisfaction of your boss.


The key is not to be a perfectionist.


I guarantee your boss will appreciate a preliminary conclusion tomorrow much more than having to wait a week and finding out that your deliverable is out of left field.


This is a skill that you must learn if you want great opportunities in life, so the sooner you become better at it the better.


If it takes you a long time to understand a task, break it down, come quickly to a solution, and present your findings in a logical way, I would highly recommend that you first read through this ultimate guide on problem solving.


Wrapping your head around guesstimation will also boost your critical thinking skill.


Knowing the basics of problem solving will help you with all three: speed, design, and content


Make sure you own problem solving before moving onto applying the SDC rule


What will be the outcome?


Super-charge your career


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You will have the undying love of your boss which will allow you to super-charge your career.


I can say this with confidence because that is what I did and it worked like a gem all the time.


There are some people who argue that working hard will only make your boss to give you more work without a promotion or salary increase.


In my years working at different companies this has not happened to me once. Even if it were to happen, you can hop to another job that appreciates your hard work.


Applying the SDC rule is tough because it requires you to always be on your toes.


Worst case scenario might be experiencing fatigue and burn out at some point.


However, the feeling of advancement and becoming better at what you do is exilerating.


It acts as counter-weight to your fatigue and invigorates you.


Become better at managing your life


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The practical skills you will gain by applying the SDC rule are being extremely quick and efficient at breaking down your task, planning, prioritizing, presenting and managing expectation.


These are skills will serve you well now and into the future.


You can also apply the same rule to your life and see drastic changes.


Rather than being a passive bystander to the happenings in your life, you will have a firmer grasp over your reality and be better at working through tough problems.


Make work meaningful


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Most importantly, like it or not, we are destined to spend at least 90,000 hours grueling away at work.


Applying the SDC rule to your job will help you not only to stay active but also progress in your career faster than your peers. That is a great thing!


So, it wouldn’t hurt if you were to generate excitement about being better at what you do.


Stay optimistic. You can do anything you set your mind to.


5. Sensing

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What is sensing?


Sensing comes from ‘센싱’ in Korean.


There is no direct translation into English because it is such a Korean thing.


Sensing can be roughly understood as ‘knowing and acting on what the other person wants before they address the need themselves’.


It is to think from the other pereson’s perspective and wanting the best for him.


A simple example would be to serve water or beer for the other person as soon as it arrives to the table so that the other person doesn’t have to go through the hassle of doing it himself.


Is that too much?


Well, it definitely is for for western culture.


As a matter of fact, I would never do such thing to my Spanish or American friends. In fact, they would look at me strange if I ever tried to do that.


Sensing, therefore, is a subtle skill.


It’s about knowing (or sensing) when it is appropriate to do something for the somebody else without it being weird.


But it doesn’t stop there.


Sensing is not only the skill to capture what the other person wants but delivering it without the other person noticing.


A good example would be know in advance when your girlfriend has her period and be ready with chocolates, a hot water bottle and enough time to be with her on the day.


The secret to really good sensing is to deliver what the other person wants in a way that is so subtle that the person on the receiving end is overwhelmed with a positive feeling about you without fully understanding why.


Sensing is about being one step ahead of the game and is a very human skill that can only be advanced with experience.


Interestingly enough, this same skill can be applied in a work setting and is extremely efficient at winning the heart of your boss and your clients.


Let’s explore how you can do that below.


How to develop sensing?


The best example of sensing in the work place is when your boss asks you to conduct a certain task and you exceed his expectation on the deliverable by going one step further in understanding why he needs you to perform said task.

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So, for example, if your boss asks you to conduct market research on the automotive industry in Japan, rather than just doing it, you could take a step further and ask yourself what your boss is trying to achieve through your market research.


There is always a reason behind a request so you need to sense what that is to connect the dots.


Just ask


You do not have to be extremely good at sensing to know what your boss’s goal is.


Often times your boss will make it clear why he needs you to do certain things. All it takes in this case is to open your ears.


There are, however, instances where your boss asks you to do something you think has little or no correlation to what you think his goals are.


But then again, your boss’s scope of work is broader than yours so it just may be that you aren’t aware of his other goal.


If you failed to gather any sort of hint on why he requested you to complete a certain task, the best course of action is then to simply ask.


If your boss and/or client are normal human beings, they would be happy to tell you why they need you to perform the task.


Sensing, therefore, is about placing the other person’s thoughts and feelings first and to exceed their expectation by delivering what they really want.


You might be brilliant at understanding what your boss wants from your work, but if your deliverable does not meet his expectation, sensing would be useless.


Everything goes back to problem solving which is why I emphasize this point time and time again.


You can read more on problem solving in this ultimate guide that I prepared and practice guesstimation to become better at it.



What will be the outcome?


Save time

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Lets continue with the example above and imagine you asked your boss why he needs information on the automotive industry in Japan.


He smiles and replies that he would like to see if our product, car wheel rims, would be a good fit for the market.


Just by knowing this you just saved time by narrowing the scope of research to ‘our company’s product compatibility’ with the ‘automotive inudstry in Japan’.


Higher quality deliverables


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Since you know what to focus on you can spend more time digging information that is relevant to your boss’s goal.


By doing so, your output will be deeper and more comprehensive.


They will like you


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Sensing is all about going the extra mile to think from the other person’s perspective.


Even though it is not as explicit as chocolate, the person on the receiving end will be grateful for the your consideration.


What’s great is that sensing applies not only to your boss but to your client, girlfriend, family member and friends.


Remember from point 2 that people love speaking about themselves?


By clarifying what the other person wants, you are giving them the chance to talk about themselves. This will certainly buy you points.



Here I leave you with the core soft skills that helped me pave a great career path.


Though it is a lot of work, I guarantee you that it is worth it.


I hope you found what I had to share useful.


If there is something you would like more information on kindly comment below.


I am also available for 1:1 coaching so feel free to reach out to me.


Hope you have a lovely and meaningful day!